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Hello, I am Mama Jay

I am the mother of 6 biological children, 1 stepchild, 2 adopted children and many, many more who simply call me “Mama Jay”. I am a wife (and an ex-wife if we’re telling it all). I am a daughter, a step-daughter and an ex-step-daughter (again, telling it all). I am a half-sister. I am an auntie, and at one point in time, I was a grand-daughter.


As far as job endeavors, I have been working in administration (on many different levels) for over 20 years. And whereas, I can do all things admin in my sleep, it is not my passion. It is not what I believe to be my mission on this earth while I'm here. Unfortunately, I cannot fully tell you what I do believe my mission to be. That is what I am currently working on. Today, I find myself in my mid-forties trying to answer the question we all ask our children: "What do you want to do when you grow up?". One day soon I will be able to confidently answer that. The good news is that I am well on my way to finding my purpose and passion in life through this whole thirty one: 8 mission!


About thirty one: 8

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
   ensure justice for those being crushed."
- Proverbs 31:8 (NLT)


According to the text above, we hold a responsibility to speak up when we know there are others that cannot speak for themselves. We are on this earth to seek justice for those treated unfairly. We are here to be a loud voice in a world that wishes to keep us quiet. And thus, thirty one: 8 was born.


thirty one: 8 is here as a place for those who currently have no words, to once again, find their voice. We are here as a place for those who cannot speak for themselves to have representation in this world. Through the blog and podcast, we are here to use our voices to describe where we are, to ask for help, and to talk about or even scream about the atrocities we see. Here is a place to find your voice and tell the world that you are here and that you matter.


We want to hear from you! We want to listen! We want to be the sounding board to begin or continue the fight for your cause. We want to partner with you as you speak up for the voiceless, even if that is yourself finding your voice once again.


This endeavor is forever changing based on what is needed in this world (as seen through my eyes). Today it is a blog and a podcast that gives the voiceless a chance to speak up and speak out.

Tomorrow, who knows how it will evolve.


What I do know is that I have lived many lives in the short 40+ years I have been on this earth. In those lives, I have seen a lot of things that gives me many causes to feel a deep connection with. I feel connected to those who work with teenage mothers to give them a lift up when they need it the most. I feel connected to those who work with victims of domestic violence. I feel connected to those who work with people experiencing poverty. But today, I ask you, what cause do you feel connected to? What has happened in your world that connects you to others facing the same situation? Whatever your answer is, thirty one: 8 is here for you to speak up! What is your cause and how can we help you fight the good fight? Reach out today! We want to hear from you in your voice!

Let's talk 1 on 1: tell me about yourself

Thank you for speaking up!

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